Ashy Prinia Hatched; And Nursing its Young

 Ashy Prinia usually makes its nest on a short plant or shrub. This time it had made its nest on an insulin plant, which is planted in a pot. But it had made sure as always that the nest gathers no attention from passersby. They would choose a plant, which is obscure from the public eye. Added to that they would hide it with as many leaves as possible.

Ashy Prinia Prinia socialis is an insectivorous, sparrow-sized bird. The specious remains with the same partners. Both parent birds together make nest; and both parents  take turns ion incubating eggs and feeding the young ones. Here you have the journey of a hatched bird from the nest to the branches; and gradually to the open sky.

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young birds

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia bird nest

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia birds in the nest

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young birds in the nest

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young bird

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young bird

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young bird

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young birds

High Resolution Ashy Prinia young bird
Ashy Prinia young bird


  1. What beauty and freshness of New life! ❤️ Lovely work Saji��


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